This low tech. low budget blog is intended as an extra arm of TVH3 and the official website at (soon to be changed). The website will be undergoing a refit and upgrade now Soapy, Bubbles and Havoc have finished their remarkable walk around our coastline.
There will be more than one administrator for the blog, but all will be posted by the 'cruisedog'. The cruisedog blog (it rhymes!) will be updated at least once a day and last minute information will be posted as soon as it is relayed to any administrator.
The blog has been sanctioned by the Hon. Sec. (Wigwam) and approved by our official spider and webmaster Flowery Twats. Comments will be up and running soon (when Flowery tells me how) and your input will be vital. The first 3 posts on this blog are NOT to be taken seriously (except by certifiable idiots like myself) and should be ignored.