The buzzard in higher resolution (original uncompressed) video

Bird Blue's favourites

Bird Blue's favourites
'Tiny Toad'

Bird Blue's favourites

Bird Blue's favourites
'Mr Cruisedog on watch'

Bird Blue's favourites

Bird Blue's favourites
My Vixen

YIPPY I OH ... (The sad tale of Boozing Bird Blue)

Mr Cruisedog in his bunk bed


A rare photo of Preconderotous - which this site is named after. Everyone told me that I 'couldn't' name a chihuahua that but it was meant to be. He answered to 'Precon' and his son had half his name - De Rotous ... so long ago has been their passing, but his name lives on for all to see ...

Strange that Vimeo/YouTube vids ALWAYS work embed. in side panel, but not Blogger!


Thursday, 5 March 2009

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Sandygate Inn Report (grateful thanks for the release of this article from greathashgod)

A great time had by the Cruisedog and handler
tonight at Sandygate. A virgin lay - I think - by Eager Beaver and Rampant Rabbit and a little classic, from what we saw of it. Just when the hash looked in trouble (longs and shorts had cleverly melded - longs across the fields and shorts from across the river) and were wandering about searching for clues ... a light appeared in the distance and one of the hares called out: "On on this way!" It was at this point that the Cruisedog had a slight asthma attack and we had to stop (Cruisedog already having had his 3 mile walk earlier as I couldn't convince him that we really were going out later) ... we were joined by Big Issue, Piltdown Man and Georgie P Orgy and decided that a slight adjustment was needed in our meanderings ... our numbers were swelled by Able Semen and Bin Laden as we headed for a suitable river crossing. More 'stragglers' swelled our merry throng - Teapot, Captain Birdseye and Seagull and soon we had become a Mini-Me Hash in our own right! Approaching the Toll House, we looked back to see the pack closing in. About 55 minutes, I reckon and a fine trail, Eager and Rampant.

For the first time EVER, we arrived home (Cruisedog Towers) early and stone cold sober, Sally. The first tiny step towards attaining running fitness after such a long time in the doldrums with, illness, injury, booze and apathy being the culprits.

Sandygate Inn March 2nd

Footage from Awards Night and Sandygate Inn ...

... might be available later ... no further details at this time ...

Monday, 2 March 2009

Rare guest appearance of Mr Cruisedog on the trail this evening ...

... It has been confirmed that Mr Cruisedog, the controversial Editor of Greathashgod and this site will be making an appearance on the trail this evening at Sandygate. He will not be joining the riff-raff at the circle nor will he enter the pub as he is a well-known non-political 'animal'.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Convert Youtube video to play as audio CD - a Cruisedog tutorial

Deciding that I wanted a made for Youtube western medley as an audio track to play on a CD player (while training on treadmill) I set about converting the Youtube video. A number of really complicated Youtube tutorial videos illustrate the procedure and being a simple soul, decided to 'do it my way' and as it only bloody works, Wally ... here it is:
1. On the right of any Youtube video there are two boxes - 'URL' and 'Embed' ... copy all the URL code.
2. Now go to: and paste your URL code into that box on savevid.
3. Click on the 'download' tab and when that's done, click on the 'download mp4' option and 'save' the file.
4. Now go to: and click on the 'browse' tab and load your saved mp4 video. It should automatically then load the input format of MPEG-4 (.mp4) ... don't worry if a warning box comes up asking for the exact value - just click 'ok' on it.
5. In the box below the adverts there are 2 boxes. In the 'output format' select 'no video preset' and in the other box select 'WAVE form audio format (.wav)' and click on the 'ok, I accept the terms' and you get the audio ripped from the video.
6. Finally, open Windows Media Player and load your wav file and burn your CD ... didulikethat?

Ex header pic: The sun is setting ...






Uruguay dropped by on April 11th 2012, making 139 different flags!

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