Saturday 4 September 2010
Friday 3 September 2010
Thursday 2 September 2010
There's not a lot to do
... Mr Cruisedog keeps watch at the entrance to the tree-house extension of Cruisedog Towers.
... failed - but not because the 'Ghost Litter' didn't approach. They leapt, they cavorted, they screeched and they grabbed food ... there was only one slight problem ... when I retrieved the cam, the battery had run out, thereby missing the action ... sigh.
Never mind, I'm already formulating Plan C ...
Wednesday 1 September 2010
PLAN B looking shaky already
... subsequent to this clip, I've placed the infrared cam in position, but was seen by a 'spotter' fox (checks on movement and reports back to other foxes - not many people know that) and not a sign of a fox seen for the past half hour ... sigh ... and by the way, my mind really is shot as listening to the clip I realized that a tetracycline IS a broad-spectrum antibiotic ... oh well ...