The buzzard in higher resolution (original uncompressed) video

Bird Blue's favourites

Bird Blue's favourites
'Tiny Toad'

Bird Blue's favourites

Bird Blue's favourites
'Mr Cruisedog on watch'

Bird Blue's favourites

Bird Blue's favourites
My Vixen

YIPPY I OH ... (The sad tale of Boozing Bird Blue)

Mr Cruisedog in his bunk bed


A rare photo of Preconderotous - which this site is named after. Everyone told me that I 'couldn't' name a chihuahua that but it was meant to be. He answered to 'Precon' and his son had half his name - De Rotous ... so long ago has been their passing, but his name lives on for all to see ...

Strange that Vimeo/YouTube vids ALWAYS work embed. in side panel, but not Blogger!


Saturday, 14 June 2008

What makes it worse is that the last thing the Missus said... I went out the door was: "And don't come back smelling of beer again!" Sigh

...or perhaps not....

But it's nice to have friends....isn't it!

He's seen off Mouldy, but now faces ...

...a final challenge from Forrest, who's on a roll after what he did to Coffin earlier.....

You've got to have eyes in the back of your head.... enjoy your downdown, Darren...

"No thankyou, Mouldy, I've seen that move before!"

Wiggy: "What's it doing in my beer?" ....Mouldy:

.."the backstroke!"

It's either a : "Waiter, there's a fly in my soup," or...

..Wiggy's looking a gift horse in the mouth......

"Take my glass, someone.....

...I won't be needing it!"

ANOTHER empty glass......

...and ANOTHER: That's 'andy 'Arry.....

And the crowd rises as one..... salute a great gesture.....(and a magnificent wally)

Bobby aborts bigtime....

Bobby laughs at adversity....

You CANNOT be serious.....!


They seem to be arguing over something.....

...wonder what it is....

But 'ang aboot 'Arry...

...the GM is interceding on Bobby's behalf.....

Bobby's not taking this well...

Bobby's not a happy bunny and....

...he's still forlornly clutching that empty glass....

"Here you are Bobs.....

....a nice pint of water....about the same strength as your 'beer' !"

Bobby's getting concerned....

...he's clutching an empty glass and is in desperate need of a refill...

...but I've seen that smug smile before....

...and I'm getting a bad feeling, Bobby....

At last! Bobby thought he'd been forgotten....

...but it looks like he's going to at least get a downdown for his trouble....

McWot is interested....

...he thinks it's some sort of sex toy....

The owner of said scrunchie....

..steps forward to retrieve it....

Just in case you didn't know.....

...this is a scrunchie being daintily held....

'Directions' video will be published..... the early hours of Sunday morning....a warning will be shown in case it offends certain people.

Ex header pic: 'Scrunchie''s a girlie to follow

Friday, 13 June 2008

Oh baby you know what I like....

Chantilly lace and a pretty face
And a pony tail hanging down
That wiggle in the walk and giggle in the talk
Makes the world go round
There ain't nothing in the world like a big eyed girl
That makes me act so funny, make me spend my money
Make me feel real loose like a long necked goose
Like a girl, oh baby that's what I like....

Not quite a .......

....'tall tale' .....bottom right....

Archangel, KC and look who's...

...caught up...heeeere's Sparkie....

Manpig's only going for it....

Chuff Chuff getting up a head of steam...

"Please, no autographs!"

Farmer Giles....arrrrrr

"Where's that bloody beerwagon!"

'Green green, the grass is green....

...on the far side of the hill, green green, I'm going away, to where the grass is greener still....didulikethat...

Why you should never bend June 9th

There will be a considered response to the criticism...

...of last week. After lengthy consultations with a higher authority, the directions for the forthcoming hashes will be well worth me...

Thursday, 12 June 2008

It looks a bit June 9th

I want this beerwagon on the June 9th

Later today: fun and games at the downdowns....

Ex header pic: A Captain has many duties to perform...

...maintaining cabin crew morale is one of them, glad you weren't here, Joystick.

The Blaydon June 9th

I went to Blaydon races
Twas on the 9th of June
Eighteen Hundred and Sixty Two
On a summer's afternoon
I took the bus from Balmbras
And she was heavy laden
Away we went along Collingwood Street
To see the race at Blaydon

Oh me lads, you should've seen us gannin
Passing the folks along the road
And all of them were starin'
All the lads and lasses there
They all had smilin' faces
Gannin along the Scotswood Road
To see the Blaydon races

They forgot they needed Pottsie, June 9th

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Ex header pic: But do you think the food will save us, Bobby?

Bluebell feedback...

...has been varied, as you'd can't please all of the people syndrome...but here's a few views: An unsuspecting Anti Social was so bemused at the infamous 'Pole video', that he called his staff over to tell him he wasn't imagining it. Mouldy Dick was infuriated at finding that there were NO bloody directions to the Abbey Inn (he's from Newcastle, lad)...fair point and we'll revisit that later... Chuff Chuff was completely unfazed by it, as was Winfield (Dad) who knew there was something amiss many years ago.... Blaster sees nothing strange about Bluebell along with Flossie. Most harriets can't see what the fuss is about (being much more sensible)... The Mismanagement are mainly resigned to their fate, blaming Wigwam for signing the one year contract to beam CRUISEDOG TOWERS into your homes....that's right, there is a glimmer of hope on November 11th this year when the contract comes up for renewal....start getting your petitions organised....

It's sold in Norway and Sweden as a NON alcholic June 9th

Here comes the new Brazilian centre forward June 9th

Beerwagon June 9th June 9th

Don't you love June 9th

Proper planning June 9th

Dropping off 'Our Man In Havana' (1959) June 9th

The Beerwagon, rock and June 9th

Final 360 degree June 9th

Give them the warning, June 9th

Deep Semen observes his new recruits from Taunton...

Our new visitors turn towards....

...Deep Semen who has steered them 'ere 'Arry......apologies, but in all the rush, I've forgotten their Taunton Hash names......they have moved down to Teignmouth, so we should be seeing them again....they didn't look too shocked, did they?

'Hand Job' entertains everyone...... me, I had to censor all the other captions....

Miss Elaine pre June 9th

Dutiful June 9th

He came, he June 9th

Pottsie: Walk or beer wagon? June 9th

Chest infection pending....

...that's why I wuz in the Beermobile excuse only two vid clips uploaded, but if I survive the night, I'll be back around mid day with plenty more (some 55 clips taken).....AND for the first time...'daylight downdowns' vid clips from outside the Abbey Inn....

One final admission: despite my forebodings, Bobby did bloody well, getting us around a magical woodland odyssey without mishap or interference. Fuller report later. Early night for me for once....nightie night

The maniac June 9th

Monday, 9 June 2008

It'll all end in June 9th

Already on Plan 'C'.... Plan 'A' and Plan 'B' have gone west.....huge delay at CRUISEDOG TOWERS means that Bobby and U Bendover have had to leave without playing 'catchup' ...but where they are in darkest Buckfast is a f'f''fin mystery Mavis....I'm supposed to be doing the beer stop and laying out and back sections...could be tricky as I don't know where any of them's all coming apart at the seams, what else is new....

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Looks like a tough audience, Mouldy....

...rather you than me....

Long sighhhhhh......mystery solved.... was a dark stone set in the wall.....I don't know Sooty, what do you think, Sweep?

It's really getting to me now...what the hell... it Harry?

A classic example of 'the camera never lies'....

...I'm still trying to work out who or what is directly above and behind Cinderfella here, but what we can deduce now is that he would make a great 'big hair' rocker from the sixties.... remember George Cole as Flash Harry in St Trinians?

What have I done now? They're always...

...picking on me....

"I washed it an hour ago and now...

...I can't do a thing with it..."






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