The buzzard in higher resolution (original uncompressed) video

Bird Blue's favourites

Bird Blue's favourites
'Tiny Toad'

Bird Blue's favourites

Bird Blue's favourites
'Mr Cruisedog on watch'

Bird Blue's favourites

Bird Blue's favourites
My Vixen

YIPPY I OH ... (The sad tale of Boozing Bird Blue)

Mr Cruisedog in his bunk bed


A rare photo of Preconderotous - which this site is named after. Everyone told me that I 'couldn't' name a chihuahua that but it was meant to be. He answered to 'Precon' and his son had half his name - De Rotous ... so long ago has been their passing, but his name lives on for all to see ...

Strange that Vimeo/YouTube vids ALWAYS work embed. in side panel, but not Blogger!


Saturday 29 March 2008

They've let the moose loose oot the hoose....

Not bad, really memorable one liners but still easy on the eye...but how can you beat: "You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off....."

Just starting on Film 4....

...the remake version of 'The Italian Job' with Mark Wahlberg (2003).....nice try, but somewhere along the way they forgot that the original was a spoof (aren't all films with Michael Caine spoofs?) and ultimately it has only the special effects to fall back on .......still, I'll give it another whirlybird....

Ex header pic....

....for every 20 pics I take, I get one half decent one.......this was the best one from last Monday by some way....

I have the technology, I have the capability.....

...of making the world's first bionic man....Steve Austin will be that man....we'll make him better than he was before, better, stronger, faster............Well, actually MY technology isn't quite that good but I have managed to rig up a motorised 80 cm dish, tuned into Astra 2 via the USALS protocol, not DiSEqC 1.2 dudes...and now I've got PIP (picture in picture) so I can watch movies (see header pic above: Gene Wilder in The Silver showing on Film 4) and blog at the same time......ALL: "Groan" Come on, don't be like that.....

Friday 28 March 2008

"I'm going to tell you a stoooory...."

Teapot's not watching that closely as...

...he knows Manpig is a pro downdowner.....

I'm going to check on this...... I think that Manpig is pretty close to having the most downdowns in 2008......very underrated Pillock material this fellow, I'll have to watch 'im closely....

If you want to see the cartoon......

...on his tee'll have to click on the pic.....

Archangel's up next to award.....

...the New Dickhead 'at 'Arry.....

Pollyfilla and Kermit.....

...both local to the Shipwrights Arms. Slight detour on the way back for Kermit's drum and what a warren of back alleys and streams we went! Just as good as the trail!

"I'm warning you Bluebeard.......

...if I catch you chatting up Miss Whiplash again..."

another Miss Elaine.....

Got the CD ROM drive working!

The ruddy Error Code 37 has been bugging me (and the PC) for months now and even stopped me with an external USB drive......but finally got the little devil a couple of hours ago. Are you there Rambo? Here's what I did: run-regedit-HKEY LOCAL MACHINE-system-system current control set-control-class identified my CD drive driver and then deleted the upper and lower filters......rebooted and......BINGO! A complete fluke, I know as I'm a complete PILLOCK with PC's but hey........who da man..... I suppose you want some pics now, don't you......that's all you're interested in after all......very well, I'll have a look.....

Miss Elaine.... from Lord Nelson 17 March

Thursday 27 March 2008

Elmo! You came back....

...just as you promised......not sure about your repertoire of jokes though....must be an acquired taste....don't give up the day .....

A suspicious little huddle.....

"Right, I've 'ad me pint, now where's......

...he hiding...."

The Shipwrights has a lovely set-up.....

...and the decor is great as well....

Forrest makes his entrance......

....with his usual aggrieved look......Miss Piggy observes the GM in waiting....

"Who? Me?"

Wednesday 26 March 2008

I had an enquiry about 'ex header pics'

...and why I posted them again. What is this....the International Year of the Wallybrain? So people can download the picture without the title over it.........derrrrrrrr oh, this is Cinderfella and Miss Whiplash outside the Shipwrights before the circle.

It's for youhoo...

You berk Poacher!

The laugh of relief...... Teapot learns that it's not for him......question is, WHO is in the frame?

The girls await their double awarding.....

...Palmolive (Checkin' Chicken) and Soapy (Hashit Shirt)

I would have called them to order..... only available assis. RA Teapot, but with an attendance of 26, I think you can handle them....!

What are you doing Able?

Ex header pic of Adam and Katy......

.....who opened up specially for us at the Shipwrights Arms at Shaldon (normally closed Mondays) and made us such a splendid spread of sandwiches, chips, sausages etc......many thanks to you both.

Ingle outrage!

...rare archive pic (well, March 17th at the Lord Nelson, actually) of the infamous Ingle (Basher and rare hasher).....who was finally cornered at The Thatched Inn, Bovey Tracey and awarded his 'Dope Peddler' (Pillock of the Year equivalent) as he had been conspicuously missing on the Awards Day. His response? Legendary.......the dear boy promptly threw it in the fire!!! Only swift action saved the award from certain Blaster commented later: "If only he would accept it, we'd forget about him, but now he's certain to get it next year!"

Can you imagine me REFUSING a Pillock of the Year Award..........NO WAY Gonzales....

You know Birdseye, I swear you're in.....

....with Coldtits there, just look at that adoring gaze.......sigh (from Lord Nelson, 17th March)

Tuesday 25 March 2008

Love the wild hair......

from left: Able Semen, Miss Piggy and Miss Whiplash.

Oh goody, he's got more important things...

...on his mind at the moment......

Oh oh, look casual, Bubbles has got back.....

...perhaps he'll have forgotten that I called his group a 'load of shortcutters' (as actually, they weren't!)......careful now, he's looking this way.....

You do know he's quite mad, don't you......

"Whatever you do Deep Semen, DON'T...

...follow Bluebird!" That's a good one, eh Flowery?

Bootboy's a real sweetie........

...but he's another of the camera shy brigade........others include Bin Laden (for obvious reasons) and the delectable Two Scoops........

No, it's really okay, he's been fed before....

...we came out......

The hound from hell harries Bubbles....

...and if he can't control it, nobody can........grrrrrrrr (ps where's Havoc?)

That's not very sociable Poach 'ol son....

...but then he was quite irritable after going up the hill at the first check only to find a cross......I shan't repeat what the dear boy shouted at me as he passed moi on the was so uncalled for....and I could sue for slander, but I'm much too ladylike to do that.....

Monday 24 March 2008

Bank Holiday at the Shipwrights.......

.....some 26 TVH3 hashers turned out for the Bank Holiday Hash at the Shipwrights Arms at Shaldon and were regally looked after by the new management at this favourite watering hole for Bashers and Hashers alike. Adam and Katy are the new managers at the pub and the food they put out for us was unexpected and excellent. We hope to reward their generosity when we return on June 23rd. Report and pics to follow when I've sobered up.......

Sunday 23 March 2008


....ex header pic

Now that IS the right date Palmolive....

.......albeit cunningly changed!

"Where's our Guinness?" .......

...Bobby and Peelow in synchronised arm fold mode.......

The Cap'n in serious mood.....

Miss Elaine......






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