The buzzard in higher resolution (original uncompressed) video

Bird Blue's favourites

Bird Blue's favourites
'Tiny Toad'

Bird Blue's favourites

Bird Blue's favourites
'Mr Cruisedog on watch'

Bird Blue's favourites

Bird Blue's favourites
My Vixen

YIPPY I OH ... (The sad tale of Boozing Bird Blue)

Mr Cruisedog in his bunk bed


A rare photo of Preconderotous - which this site is named after. Everyone told me that I 'couldn't' name a chihuahua that but it was meant to be. He answered to 'Precon' and his son had half his name - De Rotous ... so long ago has been their passing, but his name lives on for all to see ...

Strange that Vimeo/YouTube vids ALWAYS work embed. in side panel, but not Blogger!


Saturday 28 June 2008

This just in from Flowery.....

Thanks to HT2, she has found some hash rules:

There is only one rule in Hashing, which is that there are no rules. Everybody knows that. But, I came across an interesting "Code of Conduct" on the Araqaxia H3 site - but it's not "Rules" is it? Here it is:-
1. The GM is always right

2. The RA is always right except when Rule 1 applies

3. The RA checks on proper behaviour before, during and between runs. It is left to the RA's discretion as to whether he/she will ignore any transgression, give a private reprimand or make a charge. If a charge is made a penalty will automatically follow.

4. The penalty for any transgression is one down-down.

5. Beer is to be drunk when down-downing or poured over your own head. Spillage may result in a second down-down.

6. No Whingers!

7. With joyous heart, every Hasher will give Hash Cash 3 Euros every run. Covers beer, water, crisps.

8. Anyone having knowledge of a transgression by a fellow Hasher may make a charge during the down-downs. A charge will always result in a penalty for either the accused, the accuser, or both, at the discretion of the RA. Charges from the pack can be defended, but poor defence will result in a penalty.

9. Short-cutting is allowed. Being caught short cutting is a serious offence. A short-cutter will be known as an SCB (Short Cutting Bastard).

10. Silent running is a punishable offence.

11. The Hash has Internationally accepted forms of communication on the run:- When ON flour shout 'On-On'. When Checking shout 'Checking'. When calling someone back to the correct trail shout 'On Back'. All calling must be at an appropriately high decibel level. Hashers caught shouting 'On-On' when not in sight of flour will be charged with misleading the Hash..

12. No crop bashing will occur during the run. Down-down to the offenders.

13. Stationary checking or refusal to check when so required by the RA will undoubtedly result in a charge.

14. If the cars are sighted on the run, then the run is officially over and the Hash may proceed to the beer by the most direct route.

15. The GM can add, delete or change, any condition, at any time. No public announcement will be deemed necessary; however transgressions will still result in a charge.

16. Hashers run completely at their own risk. Anyone fool enough to damage themselves will have to accept that it is their own fault. That goes for liver damage and heart attack too.

Convinced it's a June 23 (but feel much better now!)

Ex header pic: A bid by boat beach bar bus bye...

And then there is emptiness and naught but....

..forlorn echoes from a departed hash gently receding down the be lost in the void of time..

And a farewell smile...

A helping 'hand' to the top...

You made it, Pollyfilla...

I thought it was a wig stand (well, I would, wouldn't I?)

...but it turned out to be a float he was carrying...all the way from the beach....a fine memento..

Ex header pic: All because the hash loves a beer...

...with apologies to Cadbury's Milk Tray...

Thursday 26 June 2008

Grrrrrrrrr !

Blast! Forgot to do the maths....

...water 18" deep, KC 9" tall.......and KC evidently doesn't float....

We have launch at Cape KC...

The Vice President does the doggy paddle...

"Arrivederci Mama!"

Winfield, Numbnuts and Melon Picker...

...on the cliff base..

Joystick and the boys prepare... close up the bar..... flawless operation Vince (unlike mine) and a brilliant idea of yours, grateful thanks from all the hash. We've run up quite a bar tab, so let us know the damage!

Still munching a bertie....

..Winfield turns for a final look at the scenery...

A final pic by Rambo as...

..the longs start the final climb...

Trying to cheer me June 23

Wednesday 25 June 2008

Waiting for the 'drop' ....

...the beer pirates manage to look inconspicuous...

Many more pics....

...posted later today...and lots more videos over on the TVH3 TV channel as well...

On really wouldn't want.... be standing there in 15 years time for the simple reason that that part of the cliff wouldn't be there then, Terry....

Hi up there.... the clue to who that is up at the viewpoint looking down....

Do you see that tiny figure.....

...way, way up on top of the cliff? You'll have to click on the pic to see who it is at the viewpoint...

Tuesday 24 June 2008

This is the bit Doris really enjoys...

The beer boat departs as...

..the longs begin the ascent...

Superb silhouette.....UPDATE...It's those renowned Acapulco divers: Winfield (tallest) and Archangel...

Coffin and Eager Beaver having a dip..

Cruciform pose...

"Who needs a rope?" says Numbnuts

Now Eager Beaver tries it....

They've been out all day but.....

...Palmolive and Soapy (and Havoc somewhere) didn't want to miss it....I can't quite make out who that is just behind Soapy though...

"I want another beer!" .....

...shouts Wigwam as he turns back down the cliff...

Drag Act and Piddler climb.....

Bubbles seems to be enjoying the climb...

One of Drag Act's boys makes light of the rope climb

The briefing..

Far away......

Lurch and Poacher pursue the beer pirates...

It's tricky....

...running over rocks with a camcorder.....

The beer pirates relocate...

Lurch strolls across the sand but....

...I don't remember him starting with shades...

The beer Captain enquires where the drop-off is...

..while his crew are ready for a quick getaway...

Poach observes the beer pirates...

...kindred spirits...

Seagull displays a classic TVH3 tee shirt...

...and stresses that he is NOT 94 !

The beer pirate moves in... make contact...






Uruguay dropped by on April 11th 2012, making 139 different flags!

Free counters!

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