...with your one-handed downdown......Pottsie looks quite impressed though......
Saturday, 9 February 2008
I thought you were looking shifty.....
...Poacher, still don't know what the award was for.....something about a thong....a pong...or am I wrong? B' bong................................................................so long...
"How much is it worth...?"
...think it's about the same as the answer to: "What's a Greek urn?" .....about thirty bob...boom boom
Winfield failed to get the 'live' downdown...
...but we gave him another chance for the simulated replay......well done Dad, you've captured my smooth free flowing action perfectly.......now come on, boys and girls, isn't that the biggest PILLOCK you've ever seen.......
I think they've called time on you....
...Bobby......and you were meant to nominate the Pillock for the 'coins in the deodorant cap'.....NOT CRUISEDOG'S bunk bed! Still, never mind, no damage done....if the Pillock had had the DD from Flossie, Bobby would have given his award to Snotrag......I know, it's got complicated again, hasn't it................sigh.....
It's no use appealing to their better...
...nature, Bobby, they haven't got one! And you should have known they'd turn nasty when the Pillock is mentioned.....
Saturday sampling suspended
...owing to unforeseen circumstances.......explain later.....but pics will follow shortly if internet connection holds up.....
Friday, 8 February 2008
But never mind, Flossie's got.......
...another deserving cause (clever girl - always have a Plan B, you know it makes sense).......It's Snotrag and I heard a vicious rumour that was circulating on the trail and persisted even in the bar.....that a certain hare had directed the longs onto the short and even horrendously worse....the shorts onto the LONG...! .....AYEEEEEEEEE !
Hang on a sec Flossie.....
...I'm just consulting the script and you're not meant to give it to the Pillock, even though it was a fair cop.....
Large objects of desire....
my newly acquired Valley Forge high carbon steel six pound Sledge Hammer with a three foot American Hickory handle......forget about the machete I kept beside the bed....this is the baby now.......
Flossie's first up to award and....
...the Great Hash God is all horns.........get it? You know sometimes I think I'm the only one to appreciate my Sledge Hammer wit.......talking of Sledge Hammers.....
"Where have you been?" they wailed...
..this, my little swamp mosquitoes, is the first time I've sat down all day.....well, I did pause for 7 minutes to bet on a horse race....won £140 (that's £20 a minute, £1200 an hour or £48,000 per 40 hour week...nice work if you can get it....)
Desist from your wailing, 'cos hereeeeeeeeeee's CRUISEDOG! (I've only had two cans - really)
Right, Chuff Chuff, I may have ......
...just the job for you......how would you like to be Race Director for the Torbay Half Marathon this year?
The showdown.......
...."I'm warning you Poacher, don't mess with me..." "You don't scare me Trucker, and if it's a fight you want........"
Located problem...back with you now...
Been trying to connect since 11.15 pm........back online now......limited service for now but extravaganza lined up for the weekend which starts Friday evening.....
Thursday, 7 February 2008
You know it's Thursday don't you?
So we'll be back around 11 ish this evening with more pics from the Teign Valley Golf Club and more....see you later
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Gone west.......
....just as the Teign Valley had the 'Trusham Bus' aeons ago, Torbay side (west) had the 'Western National' (come on, it wasn't THAT long ago, was it...green bus service..remember?) ...comprising: Migman, Wigwam, Wickdipper and Bobbiball.....then it all went west when first Bobby baled out and then Wicky moved out......Brillo Nuts came in to rescue the operation but is now on the 'reserve' list.........I know, what's this got to do with the above pic? Simple, Wiggy and Miggy are meeting up with their long lost 'renegade' - Bobby.....no? Well please yourselves....and finally, the punchline: 'How the west was lost' ....get it......come on, pay attention out there....
Meanwhile, in the changing room....
...not quite sure what's going on here......and I was there....! Through the mists of time, Archangel and Mad Melvin can just be discerned........think it's Snotrag foreground, but what he's up to is anybody's guess......
And the giant bramble rips across....
..the side of Mr Softie's face...! Oh, the pain, the pain, the almost unbearable pain....................sorry, Mr Softie, I just had to...........
Then things start to happen fast...
.....Muttley is freed and released from his collar......someone pulls the man-eating bramble away rather prematurely.......
Drat and double drat!
...a king-sized trailing bramble has ensnared the hapless Muttley.......Mr Softie kneels to rescue his prize pooch.......
Just to refresh your memory.....
...here is Mr Softie early on, enjoying life to the full....... Two Scoops is no fool, she's allocated Muttley to Mr Softie......
It's going to be a long night.......
...will have to navigate back and forth between blog and e-mail as hash notes have been demanded from the head office......emergency notes for Jan 7th were just that until Blaster kindly marked my card.....the beer is ready...the bottle opener is poised.....so let's get this show on the road.....
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
We've plenty more pics....
...and who knows? We might just get inside the Golf Club sometime.......
'Through a gloomy gorge they staggered..
...valley of the shade of death, halted gladly at the summit, paused awhile to gather breath....' I know all the poem, but you don't REALLY want me to prove it, do you....?
Just popping out to Lidl.....
...but I'll be...........................................shortly!
Trial by stile..........
Rampant Rabbit negotiates whilst Number 2 awaits and Teapot hoves into view.....and Rampant, good choice, the headlamp.....likeit !
We're okay!
Not as bad as previously feared.....many pics okay and flash was working after a fashion and Rambo has just talked me through an image transfer problem I had.
So looking good for first of last night's pics this evening.....look for the header: CRUISEDOG TOWERS is now 'LIVE' ......
Monday 4 th Feb Mr Softie star......
...of the night.... on the run AND in the pub.......fortunately we DO have pics of both......as you can see from the header, major problems with camera last night, strongly suspect at this stage that condensation is to blame. The flash seems to have failed on all indoor pics resulting in an orange hue on most pics......but other factors to consider....new SD card may have been incorrectly formatted (will ask Rambo later)......
It was one of those nights...........EVERYTHING I touched turned to dust from having the bright idea to store my loose change inside the deodorant cap (snapped shut and coins depressed nozzle and whole can foamed onto new jeans and shirts) to arriving home at 11.30 pm, plugging a 2 pin adaptor into an extension lead which promptly sparked, caught fire and exploded.......
I'll get back to you later when I've calmed down...............12.39 CMT
Monday, 4 February 2008
Weather's okay at the moment...
...but it's sure to be muddy and slippery where Trucker's taking us, so pack those plastic bags for the shoes and kit later. As I'm driving Bobby tonight I'll be stone cold stober (ah well, had 6 1/2 and 5 the past two weeks with Bobs driving, so shouldn't complain...) so should be able to get posting pics tonight (subject to redeye) see you later....
Sunday, 3 February 2008
For chocoholics only........
Now I feel I owe it to all fellow chocoholics amongst you to pass on this possible lifeline ...and waistline saver..... This isn't a wind - up (unlike Cinderfella's e mails....he got me fair and square with that driving licence expose) so pay attention please.
When you next get a craving for chocolate (or anything sweet) take a long sniff of a bottle of vanilla essence. I KNOW you're squealing with laughter at this point....BUT TRY IT! What have you got to lose ...except possibly a few pounds round the waist......?
I would appreciate feedback (in private if you're shy) on this.......
I repeat, this is NOT a wind - up, but possibly something that just might work for you.
You know that feeling when you've just piggied down a box of chocs or wolfed down two Mars bars and immediately wished to gawd you hadn't....? Amiright or amiright !
Archive: Looks like the 'Jolly Boys Outing'
...with the possible exception of 3rd left background directing fire at Broken Man.....but come on ladies, when have you got anywhere 'avin' a go at a man holding a can of beer..... be sensible now.... that professional of professionals (drinking wise) Migman (2nd left) is a study in concentration with his can in hand........and old Dickhead hat perched jauntily on head....
The lights are going off...
...in The Penthouse Suite, but Australian Racing on 415 beckons for this hardcore dude....2 am kick-off....so need a catnap to recuperateroo you kangaroos......
CRUISEDOG will be back later today (Sunday)................adios