The buzzard in higher resolution (original uncompressed) video
Bird Blue's favourites
'Tiny Toad'
Bird Blue's favourites
'Mr Cruisedog on watch'
Bird Blue's favourites
My Vixen
YIPPY I OH ... (The sad tale of Boozing Bird Blue)
Mr Cruisedog in his bunk bed
A rare photo of Preconderotous - which this site is named after. Everyone told me that I 'couldn't' name a chihuahua that but it was meant to be. He answered to 'Precon' and his son had half his name - De Rotous ... so long ago has been their passing, but his name lives on for all to see ...
An adventurous 'action' hour in the life and times of Bluebird as the tiny Titanic 2 is launched from Maidencombe cove and fearlessly sets course for the Bell Rock, some 400 metres distant. A tiny voyage for a tiny Titanic 2 - but fraught with danger as we shall see ...